Thursday, April 26, 2007

This Day in Music for April 26, 2007

A little trivia for you. Some of this is not country music related but I still found it interesting.

Oak Ridge Boys keep toes tapping for 30 years

Gotta love the Oak Ridge Boys!! Here is a great article on them! These guys are of a different time, and I appreciate all they have contributed to country music...

Classic rockers go a little bit country

I thought this was an interesting story on rock and roll artists using country music influences in their music....

Vince Gill 50???? No way!

Here is a story on Vince Gill turning 50 and how he celebrated his birthday. Also, what he is doing now....

Fall music fest planned at track - COUNTRY MUSIC AND RACING!!

This sounds like a blast! Not only can you expect great music, there will be a BBQ cook-off and stock car races!! AND the concert is a fund-raiser for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation. I did not see a price for the tickets??

Country music pioneer Harry Weger dies at age 80

Sad here for the full story on Harry Weger's life and death.

Country music star Jeff Cook returns for Firefighter’s Bass Tournament

Another country star doing some good for the here for the story.

The Dixie Chicks

This is a good article on the Dixie Chicks. How they got started and how the band has evolved - including dealing with that statement that Natalie Maines made about the President. Personally, I will not listen to their music because of that comment. What are your thoughts today?

Josh Turner Gets Bling-Bling at Double-Platinum Party

I am glad to see Josh Turner get recognized. I did not know about The Josh Turner Fund that helps put music programs back into schools. That is neat! Click here for the story.

Even More Performers Announced for the Academy of Country Music Awards

Click here to see more nominations for the Country Music Awards...